Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to write a Critical Response?

Here is an example of how to write a critical response. Critical response writing is a way of expressing your view point to your audience. It can be a positive reply or negative but the ideas you put forward should make sense and should be constructive. You need to tell the audience why you disagree or agree with the author. You need to be concise and to the point. You need to take care of the important points and avoid unnecessary details. I read an article a while back which was on video games, try googling for this article, its a must read, if you are interested in knowing the potentials of video games.
According to the article “Can Video Games be good for Kids?” the author points out that obesity is the major concern among children in the United States. The article suggests that unlike video games, physical exercise is not very popular among children as compared to parents. Taking this into account, researchers have turned towards video games for a possible solution to the fight against obesity. The study was conducted on the effect of “active video games”; this involves physical interaction of the players with the gaming environment, as compared to the more common passive games which involve sitting in front of a screen. The study shows that time spent playing active games “results in meaningful increases in energy expenditures and heart rate compared with the seated screen environments”. Despite the need for more conclusive case studies on the length of time needed for children to spend on these active games, researchers believe that the active gaming approach could control and perhaps even prevent child obesity. Whether children favor active gaming over passive video games still remains to be seen but the author feels compelled by the fact that parents will now have an option to consider when they are buying video games for their children.

I was indulged in to this article because unlike other articles it doesn’t accuse video games for spreading destructive messages among children but instead focuses on the fact that this new form of entertainment could open endless possibilities which could be used for the betterment of society. I was very impressed by the research that was mentioned in the article that active video games could be used to control and prevent obesity in children. Although, this research is old since many in the past had abandoned the study due to lack of funding but now due to the presence of home based arcade system such as Nintendo WII, which is an active gaming platform, many technology experts believe that such video gaming consoles could revolutionize our society since such system could simulate the natural environment and allow individuals to interact with the games realistically. In the past, these active games were only available in the Arcade parlor but due to advancement of technology which leads to better portability of the devices, any home based entertainment system could be made in to an active gaming system. After reading this article, I strongly believe that video games could educate children or train them by providing friendly and entertaining environment.

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